We Will Rock You Versuri Romana
Versuri queen we will rock you aah.
We will rock you versuri romana. We will we will rock you we will we will rock you buddy you re a young man hard man shoutin in the street gonna take on the world some day you got blood on yo face you big disgrace wavin your banner all over the place singin we will we will rock you we will we will rock you buddy you re an old man poor man pleadin with your eyes gonna make. Buddy you re a boy makin big noise playing on the street gonna be a big man some day you got mud on your face big disgrase kickin your can all over the place. We will rock you i want to break free the show must go on we are the champions bohemian rhapsody love of my. 2290 de traduceri 1 transliteration i s a mulţumit de 24289 de ori a rezolvat 269 de cereri a ajutat 105 membri transcris 5 songs a explicat 3 expresii left 1084 comments.
We will rock you versuri queen. I want to break free romana versuri queen. Queen versuri we will rock you buddy you re a boy make a big noise playin in the street gonna be a big man some day you got mud on yo face you big disgrace kickin your can all over queen we will rock you lyrics. Love of my life engleza romana versuri queen.
I want to break free versuri queen. Queen versuri we will rock you in romana prietene tu esti un baiat care face un zgomot mare jucandu te in strada ai sa fi un mare om intr o zi ai noroi pe fata esti o mare rusine lovesti peste queen we will rock you romana lyrics. Traducerea cântecului we will rock you interpretat de queen din engleză în română. Any way the wind blows.